Sunday, 17 January 2016

Rocks and Churches

"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" - Psalm 118:24

Today the Jewish Shabbat (Sabbath day) continued until sundown. It was a quiet morning out on the streets of Tiberias as we started a day of touring churches.  The sun was shining above the Sea of Galilee as we drove those peaceful roads to Tabgha, a shrine to remember the location of the multiplication of the loaves. On this site is a church build around the rock believed to be the alter where the simple offering of five loaves of bread and two fish were laid down to be blessed and multiplied to feed the 5000.  Even more amazing, the blessing left them with twelve baskets of food leftover! 

From Tabgha, we moved a little down the road to Mensa Domini Church. A lovely church build around the rock where the resurrected Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him. “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you!”  There they sat, a teacher and His disciple, again Jesus asked, Peter, do you love me? “Yes, Lord! You know that I love you.” And once more, “Do you love me?” “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” A powerful moment to remember in this place - the grace of Christ and the love He has for His followers.  This is where we had our bible study for the day.  Reading this passage from John 21 and reflecting on our own sins, the grace that saves us, and the ministry of Christ we are called to be a part of. 

As we moved on from the shores of the Sea of Galilee, we were welcomed into a Messianic Jewish church service in Tiberias. It was a joy to fellowship with this group of believers in the land of Israel. They have a big heart for their country and a huge heart for worshiping the Lord. We were blessed with a translator to share the message with us in english. The pastor spoke on the passage from Ezekiel chapter one and his vision of the four wheels.  During his message he even spoke about the life of Peter and, amazingly, the moment located on the same rock we had just seen - Peter, do you love me? 

After church we jumped back in the car and headed to Nazareth.  Here we visited, a museum recreating a bit of the Nazareth village from the first century. We were toured by a wine press, a shepherd and his sheep, a weaver in her home, and even the workshop of Joseph the carpenter! Finishing in the synagogue, and hearing the awesome truth that Jesus is the light of the world.  We were giving a kind gift as we left, each of us our own oil lamp, to remember and share His light.  

Walking a little ways through the streets of Nazareth, we came to the Basilica of the Annunciation.  A beautiful and huge church built around the home of Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Where she was told she would carry and care for the Son of God - where she was obedient to the Lord’s call.  And next door to this church is another.  One built around the home Jesus grew up in! His tiny feet pitter pattering up and down the stairs and growing into a teenager, learning the trade of a carpenter.  So neat to be there and see the home Jesus spent his childhood.  

Our day was finished with a delicious meal out on the town in Tiberias and a trip to buy a few groceries now that the sun had set and the shops were reopened.  Fresh pitas for our lunch tomorrow! Yum!

Holly Epp

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